GIVING - Other ways to give
IRA (Individual Retirement Account)
If you’re over 72 ½, you may meet your required minimum distribution (RMD) requirements and donate from your IRA without increasing your taxable income. Contact your IRA administrator about making a “qualified charitable deduction” (QCD) from your IRA.
Endowment Fund
St. George’s Endowment Fund was established in 1994 to promote the giving of gifts, bequests, and memorials. Endowment Fund income from dividends, interest, capital gains and occasional use of principle is used to support the needs, programs, and activities at St. George’s Church. Contributing to the Endowment Fund is a great way to support St. George’s Church.
You can make a contribution by placing your check in the Sunday offering plate or by mailing it to the church office. You can also consider making a gift to St. George’s Episcopal Church Endowment Fund in your Will. By doing so, you can help create long-term financial stability for our church.
Please contact the church office at (952) 926-1646 for additional information.